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Top 4 Best Crypto Investing Apps Reddit Recommends

Eve Halimi

Cryptocurrency has become a booming industry, and it is expected to grow to be worth around $2.2 billion by the end of 2026.

But how do you get in on it? What do you need to know about investments and investment apps to get the most out of your buck when it comes to being a crypto investor? Do you have to be a pro to invest?

Lucky for you, we answer these questions in this guide with the best crypto investing apps from Reddit. Keep reading to learn more!

Alinea : investing for beginners

1. Alinea

When it comes to diversifying your portfolio, this is extremely important, according to Reddit recommendations.

One way to do this is through the Alinea app, which helps you to learn more about finance, investing, startups, product management, growth strategies, content marketing, and so much more than that!

The Alinea app is much more than just an app though; it also offers a course to help teach all those areas of focus to students so they feel empowered about their investments.

You can even make money on the app through the referral program, too where you can win up to $1000 in crypto. Alinea also offers 3x lower fees than its competitors with crypto investing.

Reddit users state that the app has been "dealing with the large influx" of new users as well.

There's no better time to get on it than now.

Coinbase Pro

2. Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro is probably one of the more recognized of the cryptocurrency apps out there.

WhiskeysGone says, "it's got a nice app and decent selections of coins." AstralObjective added onto that thread, stating that you "can earn up to 7.5% APR with each Ethereum you get."


3. Gemini

If you are looking for a simple platform to use, Reddit users say this one is extremely simple to use if you are just getting started.

AC Shreds states that Gemini has "Super low fees when using their desktop active trader app, and 10 free withdrawals per month." They also say, "Gemini has most of the popular coins available as well."


4. Binance

Another great cryptocurrency investing app for newbies is Binance. It's easy to use from the start, especially if you're new to the crypto world or the investing world.

Along with a few other apps, Binance has one of the lower startup prices to use for the investing app.

A List: The Best Crypto Investing App From Reddit

Investing, in general, can make you hundreds and even thousands of dollars throughout your lifetime. If you choose to invest in the best crypto investing apps with low fees from Reddit, you may make even more money from investing, especially with what the cryptocurrency industry is going to be worth in just a couple of years.

If you are ready to bring your investments to the next level, join us at Alinea, an app that helps with financial education, news, and investing! If you're in college or just getting started, this is a great app for you!

(i) Disclaimer

The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not consider any such information or other material as investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained on our Site constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by Alinea Invest or any third party service provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in this or in any other jurisdiction. When investing your capital is at risk.

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